Packing has always been one of the crucial steps in any trip since its influence can affect the whole journey. And putting any items in the suitcase is a disaster when you realize when you come to the destination. Therefore, the art is how you know how to pick and pack your luggage. Helpful packing advice for optimizing your trip to Vietnam is listed below.

1. Make a travel-packing checklist

The very first trip packing advice is to make a list. Your travel objective and the length of your vacation will determine the content of the packing list. By pre-generating it, you can save time later than searching for alternatives at the destination. Furthermore, ensuring no necessities are still at home is also important.

Packing list before and during the trip.
Checklist is your assistant before and during the trip

Once everything is packed in your suitcase, write everything down on paper and then cross off each item one at a time. Additionally, there are apps on phones that help you to take notes like Notes, To-do, Trello, or Notion, etc. and all you’ll need to do is make a checklist and mark each item off as you accomplish it.

Even more, lists can be made from the basic template, such as “Lists for beach visits,” “Lists for camping,” or “Lists for natural experiences.” You can refer to this list again before deciding to restrict it or add to it while you pack.

2. Plan out your outfit

The idea is to only pack the clothes you KNOW you will wear, rather than everything you MIGHT want to wear. The following advice will help you pack your bags:

Packing clothes you want to wear
WISELY packing not WILDLY packing suitcase.

Bring easily replaceable items to the other people. Choosing a palette that you’ll stick with is one of the simplest methods to do this.

Follow the top 2 formulas: 1 bottom as bottoms are more easily soiled than shirts.

Bring materials that are easy to crease, won’t wrinkle, and are suitable for travel.

Pick objects with several uses, like a scarf. It may be used as a blanket, a jacket, or a towel.

Shoes are going to contribute the most to the size and weight of luggage, therefore it’s wise to be especially cautious about this.

  • Picking appropriate shoes based on what type of travel: For illustration, choose a pair of cozy walking shoes in order to stay active while camping. This could also resemble beach sandals or flip-flops.
  • Before packing, put your shoes inside dust bags or shower caps to keep other stuff clean.
  • Use the empty places inside your shoes to store delicate goods like socks.

3. Don’t just only fold your clothing

Get exact about your things’ shapes. Everything should be wrapped into consistent sizes and shapes to create finer stacks of clothing that fit together more evenly. Think about playing Tetris with your luggage.

Rolling clothes help to save room
Taking advantage in folding clothes utilizes spaces.

Try rolling rather than folding larger things like coats, scarves, or sleeping bags. One expert informs that to keep bulkier goods under control, he firmly rolls them first and ties them with cord to ensure.

FYI, you can learn the method here.

4. Buy travel insurance

Buy a travel insurance for your safety
Buying travel insurance is protecting your rights.

Although it is common in wealthy nations, travel insurance still sounds weird in Vietnam. Travel insurance for participants on guided trips is always included in the overall price. However, if you decide to travel independently, you must get your insurance. To be safe in any circumstance, you might want to sign a travel insurance plan.

Unpredicted things can happen in incidents. It may be misplaced bags, misplaced passports, a travel delay, or even food sickness. In that case, travel insurance offers protection for your health and against financial damage.

Bao Viet, Bao Minh, PTI-Corporation, and AAA are a few well-known insurance firms in Vietnam from whom you may get advice and purchase travel insurance online.

5. Use packing cubes

Another packing tip is to use packing cubes to divide different sorts of products within the valise in order to keep everything organized.

Use packing cubes is a great idea.
Using packing cubes for different kinds of items.
  • Put your electronics in a designated bag. Place charging cords in a different, suitable, waterproof bag.
  • Small objects could cause some troubles in finding, group them all together in a different packing cube.
  • Get some zip-lock bags ready for your soiled or moist clothes.
  • Also required is a separate compartment inside another packing cube for your undergarments. If you have to open your suitcase in the airport, it could be helpful.

Packing cubes or bags should be used to contain all of your stuff so they may be sorted into different categories.
As a result, you may remove what you need without causing any chaos.

6. Keep your liquids separate

Keep liquids separate and tidy
Keep your liquids separate.

Remember that you can only transport liquids in separate containers with a maximum volume of 100ml. If you have a large bottle, pour the contents into smaller ones before packing them. To make it simple to recognize them later, attach a note with the bottle’s name to the outside.

To prevent spills and leaks, place your toiletries in a plastic resealable zip-lock bag. This will shield your carry-on from damage. You may quickly locate them in this method as well.

7. Organize the heavy and bulky

A heavy object, such as a tripod, should be put as close to the wheel as possible to avoid damaging other things. Additionally, when goods are arranged in that manner, weight is distributed equally, allowing your luggage to be sturdy.

Another piece of advice for packing is to wear your bulkiest clothing, such as coats, footwear, and scarves, on the aircraft. Additionally, the temperature on the plane might be chilly, so bring some warm clothing.

8. Don’t put all egg in one place

Because certain trip destinations do not have ATMs or accept card payments, you should carry some cash along with your credit cards. The advice is to store your valuables apart and in different locations so you have a backup plan in case anything unexpected happens.

Don't put all eggs in one place
Don’t put all your valuable items in one place.

Other significant personal documents, such as passports, tickets, emergency contacts, and itinerary details, should be safely stored. Additionally, you want to write down those details on paper and keep a note of them on your phone as a backup. Each person should carry their stuff while traveling in small groups.

9. Bring a First Aid Kit (FAK)

First aid kit is needed in every trip.
Bring a First Aid Kit when you travel.

A FAK is required for your vacation due to your engagement in outdoor activities and the natural world. Along with some standard medical supplies like bandages and saltwater for wound washing, you should also include the following items on your list:

  • Disposable face masks in a box. Every time you go outside, you should change to a different one.
  • Sanitizer.
  • Antibacterial spray.
  • Thermometer.


10. Pack an empty bag

Bring an empty bag to pack souvenirs
An empty bag is really convenient for your trip.

Bringing an empty bag is another suggestion for traveling. It could be a tiny tote or backpack. When traveling, a tote bag carrying essential items brings convenient travel Thus, a tote might be helpful for you there. As an additional benefit, you may use it to pack souvenirs.

11. Other items

  • Bring a pen with you on your vacation so you can sign receipts and fill out paperwork. To prevent direct interaction with other people in public areas, this is done.
  • Accessories for electronics: For your journey, you must have power banks and universal travel multi-adapters. Other useful products are listed here.
  • Tracking gadgets: Air tag from Apple is a particular example of a gadget that serves as a key finder and informs you when you lose track of your items. In terms of tracking devices, there are other additional gadgets with comparable features, including Tile Pro, Tile Mate, Chipolo, and Smartag.
  • Bring only a baby pram and a few essentials for babies if you’re traveling with them because you can buy anything else at your destination.

Packing with a clear purpose helps you save more time to enjoy the trip more rather than worrying what to do with the chaos from an un-organized suitcase. Let’s make a packing list and confidently wait for the upcoming unforgettable trips.