Are you sick of going from your bedroom to your living room after months of quarantine? Is the post-corona travel itch getting to you, and you simply want to get out there and start traveling?
However, Covid-19 is no laughing matter, and you may be wondering if there is any safe area to travel at the present. Come discover Vietnam with us to safely satisfy your trip desires. Here are 15 compelling reasons why it is now safe to travel to Vietnam and how Vietnam might fulfill your travel fantasies.
1. Vietnam has great controlled over the epidemic because all Vietnamese takes the virus seriously
As many of you are aware, Vietnamese culture enjoys visiting coffee shops and eating out. We, too, have large families and enjoy family gatherings. It always seems like we need to be socialized. We did, however, remain tightly indoors during the quarantine. Then, not only in Vietnam, but also around the world, many Vietnamese songs and dances were famous, reminding people to protect themselves, wash their hands frequently, and stay at home.
As many of you are aware, Vietnamese society values coffee shops and dining out. We have large families as well and enjoy family gatherings. We always appear to need to be socialized. During the quarantine, we did, however, remain completely indoors. Many Vietnamese songs and dances became renowned not just in Vietnam, but also around the world, reminding people to protect themselves, wash their hands frequently, and stay at home.
2. The Vietnamese government and healthcare system are extremely experienced in dealing with pandemics such as Sars & Covid-19
Since the Covid-19 epidemic began, the Vietnamese government and healthcare system have closely watched the situation and taken numerous preventive measures to prevent the virus from spreading.
We have extensive experience dealing with pandemics such as SARS and COVID-19. We were once the first country to successfully combat the SARS outbreak. Our healthcare system, which includes well-trained medical personnel and pandemic prevention techniques, is performing admirably. We have successfully treated numerous immigrant patients, particularly during this outbreak, and our healthcare system has once again proven to be quite capable and effective.
3. If Vietnam has opened for travelling again, congratulations! You are now safe to travel.
Because we have several strong measures in place to protect travelers during the Covid-19 pandemic, the government will make certain that everything is safe before opening the border to any tourism activities.
According to Reuters, WHO has praised the Vietnamese government for its aggressive response to Covid-19 pandemics. As a result, if you can fly and travel to Vietnam now, you should be fine after Covid-19.
4. During the Covid-19, we practice the policy of “no one is left behind”, which means people are treated equally
Despite the fact that the Vietnamese tourism sector has been severely damaged by the epidemic, we have received many warm replies, thank you messages, and generous shares from many tourists in appreciation of our efforts to safeguard and support our tourists and expats. With the “no one is left behind” policy, the government and society strive to ensure that everyone is secure and has enough food and drink while confined.
And if you’re curious about living in Vietnam’s quarantine zones, you might be interested in this post from a British citizen, Mr. Gavin Wheeldon. We may not be able to provide the best five-star accommodations, but the entire country is working hard to keep everyone safe.
Moreover, numerous businesspeople and donors have set up rice ATMs and distributed free food to those in need during this trying period. Because, once again, we will not abandon anyone in our fight against Covid-19.
5. Vietnamese are friendly and willing to help so you won’t feel lonely
Vietnamese friendliness is without a doubt one of the nicest travel experiences you’ve ever experienced. Have you ever been offered free food? maybe perhaps a free bed to sleep in at night?
Many visitors have mentioned how Vietnamese people love to pamper their visitors with wonderful meals and make them feel at home because hospitality has been a part of our culture for thousands of years. The local experience will be more heart-warming if you opt to travel with a local, employ tailored tour services, or with the perfect personal local tour guide.
6. Multiple foreigner’s groups & traveler’s groups for you to get feedback on Vietnam’s safety
6. Various expatriates and tourists have selected Vietnam as their destination in recent years; as a result, various expat and traveler communities have developed, and you will never feel lonely in Vietnam.
Many Facebook groups can assist you in obtaining the most honest and reliable evaluations about living and experiences in Vietnam, as well as reviews about traveling throughout Vietnam. Furthermore, these forums are the ideal mix of expat/foreign/traveler members and helpful and kind Vietnamese individuals who can answer any of your concerns regarding your adventurous vacation to Vietnam.
7. The Vietnamese government has always been maintaining a peaceful and friendly relationship with foreign countries.
“THE VIETNAM WAR” For many years, our tiny country has been recognized for its massive conflict with several massive countries; we are proud, but we want to change the perception of our international allies. We want you to know about us as a calm, beautiful, and welcoming country filled with love and fascinating cultures and traditions.
“Vietnam is a friend and reliable partner of all countries in the international community, actively participating in international and regional cooperation processes,” according to our government’s official declaration on Vietnam’s foreign policy.
Although our economy is not yet as powerful and affluent as that of other developed countries, we wish to aid the globe by sending thousands of surgical masks to the United States and the European Union.
8. We are in the top 6th of the safest countries to travel solo & top 20 safest countries during this covid-19 pandemic.
As a result, we believe that a vacation to our country Vietnam will satisfy your post-corona travel demands. When the Covid-19 epidemic is under control, Vietnam will undoubtedly be a safe destination to visit that you should consider because many foreigners choose to stay in Vietnam even throughout the pandemic.
Furthermore, according to the website Travel & Leisure, Vietnam is the sixth best destination for solitary travelers out of ten. Following the pandemic, many people recognized the true value of life and promised to fulfill their bucket list. Isn’t it the dream you’ve been putting off for so long to take an intimate, adventurous, yet very safe journey to one of Southeast Asia’s most exotic nations by yourself or with your loved ones?
9. Many travel promotions will be issued after the pandemic. Safe destination for both your health and your wallet.
Because the tourism industry was severely hit by Covid-19, the government will undoubtedly prioritize and assist the industry, and many businesses will provide several specials and package deals to entice tourists.
After the epidemic, all hotels, motels, homestays, and eateries will do their utmost to re-energize their business and boost sales. Will you travel as soon as possible to make the most of this opportunity?
10. Construction works for tourism services pending by Covid-19 will be completed and ready for launching soon
Many tourism businesses took advantage of the quarantine period to upgrade and refurbish their facilities. That is why you should travel and experience all of the most recent rooms, buildings, and services. Nothing beats post-pandemic tourism with all shiny new 5-star hotels and experiences, right?
11. Not too many tourists after Covid-19, you will receive extra of customer service
Another reason to visit here after Covid-19 is that you will receive extra attention from customer service and a more personalized experience at all of the trip sites and scenery. The reason for this is because other people may be too preoccupied with covering the losses from Covid-19.
However, if you always have a set travel budget, this is your time to make your vacation more personal and your experience more perfect. Because of the low number of tourists following pandemics, you will undoubtedly receive the best customer service from any establishments or services.
12. Satisfying your post-corona travel cravings and getting more appreciations for all the exotic travel destinations in Vietnam
“You don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.” This adage has grown so true and realistic in the aftermath of the pandemic. Don’t you appreciate such moments when you can travel and go places after being trapped inside for weeks or months?
As a result, traveling following a pandemic can provide you with more than simply a holiday. For the first time in a long time, you can feel more alive than ever. You will be relieved that the plague is over and will be able to appreciate the small details of your journey.
A trip to an unusual location in a culturally diverse country like Vietnam is never a bad idea. Bring your own emotions and travel desires to enjoy a local tour in Vietnam to emotionally recuperate from such a bizarre time in the world.
13. Are you benefit from the generous visa exemption of Vietnam? Check it out!
The open visa policy is one of the causes for the tourism industry’s rapid growth in recent years. The Vietnamese government has granted visa waivers in 24 countries with minimal conditions. Although visa exemptions are only valid for a limited time, choosing Vietnam for hassle-free procedures while traveling is a major advantage.
Chile, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Myanmar, Belarus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom are among the 24 countries receiving Vietnamese visa exemption as of March 11th, 2020.
14. Developed tourism industry with many good and professional tour operators, independent tours and especially customized tours services.
Enough about the pandemic; let’s move on to some other reasons why a trip to Vietnam is safe and worthwhile. In recent years, the Vietnamese tourist industry has grown and been emphasized and supported by the government. Vietnam was also named seventh among the top ten fastest-growing tourist destinations in the world.
Vietnam is progressively becoming a favorite vacation destination for many international friends as its tourism sector develops. We have created a number of competent and dependable tour and hospitality services. The personalized and private tour sector has risen rapidly, providing many independent travelers with more valuable experiences and outstanding excursions.
15. “After every storm, we will get to see the beautiful rainbows”, after months of quarantined, comes the best season for travelling in Vietnam
From December until the end of March is the peak season for tourism in Vietnam. However, you may be surprised to learn that one of the most gorgeous seasons arrives earlier, around the beginning of September. This is the finest time to visit Vietnam’s gorgeous highland places to witness the golden terrace fields. Also, the most romantic season in Hanoi, with little wind, little cold, and lots of love.
Hey, let’s get up before September is out and join us on the most thrilling journey to satisfy your travel appetites! Vietnam awaits you with a plethora of interesting healthy activities and gorgeous scenery.